Red Squirrel

Why might you need red squirrel surveys?

Red squirrel are fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981 as amended). It is therefore an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take red squirrels, intentionally or recklessly damage destroy or obstruct access to any place used by the animal for shelter or protection or disturb red squirrels whilst they are using such a place.

With some of the remaining strongholds of red squirrel being within the north east and Scotland, this species is an important consideration when working in these areas. If habitat that is suitable for this species is present and will be impacted upon, further survey work may be required.

What should you expect to happen?

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal During the initial PEA survey, habitats on site will be assessed for suitability to this species and any squirrel field signs will be recorded.

Remote Camera Monitoring Where dreys are recorded within trees that may be felled or affected by the works, in locations where both red and grey squirrels can be present, further survey work may be recommended. Monitoring with remote cameras can be used (with cameras fixed to adjacent trees by our trained climbers) to determine the squirrel species present and whether the drey is active.

Reporting Results of survey for red squirrel will typically be incorporated into an existing preliminary ecological appraisal report, including assessment of potential impacts to these species

Pre-works Checking Surveys In some cases, no evidence of red squirrel is recorded at the initial survey stage, but suitable habitat may be present. In locations where red squirrel may be present, a pre-works checking survey may be recommended to identify whether any dreys have been formed, prior to trees and woodland being felled. Further mitigation can then be provided in cases where dreys are found.

When can surveys be carried out?

Surveys for red squirrel can be carried out year round.

What experience do E3 have?

The E3 team are experienced in surveying for red squirrel and our team of qualified tree climbers can provide remote monitoring of drey locations.