Post Slider Element
The post slider element allows you to display a 2-5 column slider with entries, that are fetched from any of your Themes active Taxonomies. This also includes Taxonomies that are added via Plugins. So for example if you have a shop plugin active you will also be able to display the latest Products.
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Technology in Ecology
UncategorizedRecent years have seen a rapid rise in the use of technological equipment within the field of ecology. From high-tech drones, to the humble bat detector, ecologists are increasingly using technology to aid with data collection during surveys.

South Tyneside Waders
UncategorizedOver the winters of 2019-20 and 2021-22 E3 Ecology were employed by South Tyneside council to carry out wader surveys at a group of fields in the borough. The aim was to determine the fields that are most attractive to foraging and roosting…

Waxcap Surveys
One aspect of ecology that seems to be gaining more attention at the moment is waxcap grasslands. At E3 Ecology, we have recently undertaken several waxcap surveys of potentially valuable waxcap grassland sites. These are specialist…

Ecological Impact Assessment and additional protected species surveys at a site in Ingleby Barwick, Stockton-on-Tees
E3 Ecology was contacted in 2020 to undertake an ecological impact assessment of a proposed development site in Ingleby Barwick, Stockton-on-Tees. The ecological work was required to inform a planning application for a residential…

An ECoW Project – Union Chain Bridge
UncategorizedAn ECoW Project – Union Chain Bridge
What is an ECoW?
An ECoW (Ecological Clerk of Works) monitors works on a development site, and provides advice on how to manage ecological and environmental risks. They ensure that works are completed…

Bats In Winter
NewsI can strongly recommend Pat Waring’s Bats in Winter Course as a good opportunity to think about what bats are doing between November and March, 5 months of the year, and why so little weight is given to surveys for them, or assessing winter…